Tag: ultra running

The Movement Miracle

(originally appeared in Huffington Post) In my early twenties, while working in publishing and pursuing my first graduate degree, I discovered running. At first, two miles was as far as I ventured. I ran the twenty blocks from my apartment on Manhattan’s upper east side up to 90th street and 3rd avenue and back. I loved the feeling of passing…

Running Around the Clock: Halloween Javelina Jundred Style

If you’re an ultrarunner or aspire to be one, Halloween likely evokes thoughts of the Javelina Jundred (JJ100) out in the Sonoran Desert, in Fountain Hills, Arizona, where for the last 14 years the best costumed trail-run party in the nation has occurred. Howling coyotes, baby tarantulas, and rattlesnakes come out for the celebration, but mostly, it is the 600+…

Smart Bottle is a Smart Choice for Hydration

Living and training in South Florida and competing in ultramarathons across the nation, hydration is always an issue for me. There are repercussions attached to drinking too much water, and too little, as many of us learn. Typically, water intake and electrolyte balance is something that most of us—athletes and weekend warriors alike—manage by feel and a bit of guess…

Ultrarunning Tips that have helped me weather the journey both on and off the race course

The miles are the miles. They don’t get shorter, but if we don’t fixate on them, they pass quicker. Remember that you are never running 100 miles; you are running small, sustainable sections from aid station to aid station. When you begin to fall apart and struggle, the email you forgot to send at work, the item you need to…